Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Newbery (and other awards) Day!

Also, can you find me in these pictures???: Lisa Yee's blog

In case you didn't know, the Newbery Award is the Oscars of children's writing. You can see a list of many winners here. But! Also! If you go here you can find more info about the other awards!

But let's get back to the me part of the show.

So Lisa Yee, who we LOVE, said on facebook to "like" her up-to-the-minute tweets about the award winners and we could win free books. So I did. All of them, one right after the other. Because I like books, especially free ones. And, apparently, that's the very moment she took screen shots. (There are more, but I'm sparing you the level of Book Need* from which I suffer.)

*I would appreciate any and all donations to help me deal with this terrible afflication. Just sayin'.

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